Technical Visit

USIMINAS - Cubatão (SP)

Date: August 4th, 2023

Vacancies: 15 

Place of the transport departure and return: Pro Magno Convention Center Exhibition Area -  Av. Profa. Ida Kolb, 513 - Jardim das Laranjeiras, São Paulo - SP

Departure time:  from Pro Magno - 7:00 (Brasília time)  | Return time: from Cubatão 14:00  (Brasília time) 

Location of the technical visit: Usiminas Cubatão - Entrance 2 - Rodovia Dom Domenico Rangoni s/n - Jardim das Indústrias - CEP 11573900 - Cubatão - SP

Registration: R$ 300,00. Payment must be made at the event secretariat from August 1st to 2nd.

Visit itinerary:

Welcome – Administrative Building - Douglas Luan da Silva, Director of Communication and Social Responsibility of Usiminas in Cubatão.

Port Terminal

Hot Rolling Line (reheating furnaces, strips mills, operation control room)

Cold Rolling Line (pickling, cold strip mill, annealing, skin-pass mill, inspection and packaging lines).



Visiting rules:

1. Visitors must be wearing half-sleeved or long-sleeved shirts, without adornment (earrings, rings, chains and other similar items are not allowed).

2. Everyone must wear pants (skirts, dresses or shorts are not allowed in the operational area).

3. Everyone must be wearing closed shoes, with rubber or wooden soles, without heels (sandals or similar footwear are not allowed).

4. In the operational area, PPE will be provided by Usiminas

Registration: R$ 300,00. Payment must be made at the event secretariat from August 1st to 2nd.